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Suggestions for things that you can be doing over the summer
Your revision notes from GCSE – these will be a useful refresher for starting Year 12.
You can also take a look at some of the CGP revision books (Edexcel)
Hegarty Maths lessons: This is for students who would benefit from a video working through examples in a structured lesson format. Each lesson is roughly 30 minutes with examples and questions to do. (Hegarty Maths on Youtube)
Have a go at the PIXL Gateway Progression tasks below.
These are aimed at students who want to strengthen their knowledge and understanding of harder GCSE topics (grade 7-9). This will be useful if you intend to take A level Maths, as much of what is studied in Y12 depends upon these topics. If you are not intending to study A level Maths, this could still be useful, particularly if you intend on taking a post-16 course with mathematical content. The solutions to the questions are in a separate document, check your work afterwards
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Continuing to study over the summer will help you to build on all of the study habits that you have developed over the past couple of years. It’s going to help you with things like being organised, time management and being self-disciplined, which are all essential study habits – no matter what subjects you choose to study next year.