Our School Site
Our School occupies a purpose-built building located on the University of Birmingham’s Selly Oak campus.
We hope that it provides a spacious, welcoming, safe and professional environment that is a pleasure for pupils to grow up in and for staff to work in.

Features of our School
- Larger than average classrooms and laboratories, typically at least 50m sq for a classroom and at least 90m sq for laboratories.
- Clusters of classrooms, lockers and breakout space for form period and college meetings that allow young people to get to know each other quickly and foster a sense of community.
- A large and welcoming central atrium where pupils, staff and visitors meet, gather and eat together.
- Wide corridors, a lack of ‘hiding’ spaces and staff workbases located across the building allow for full passive monitoring from teaching staff to keep pupils safe and enable them to stay indoors at break and lunchtimes.
- Fully accessible for pupils with physical disabilities, with a dedicated area to cater for the learning needs of our comprehensive intake.
- State of the art ICT infrastructure, with a site-wide wireless network capable of supporting the plentiful hardware and software provided in school.
- School Hall capable of accommodating two year groups, with an electronically operated seating system.
- Large Sports Hall, sprung floored Hall and Activity Studio, a Drama Studio, an all-weather MUGA outdoor pitch, with additional access to University of Birmingham playing fields and Sport and Fitness Centre.
- A light, spacious and peaceful Library that promotes curiousity, reading and independent study.
- Nine fully equipped science laboratories, a science studio and science terrace.
- Two large music classrooms, a recording studio and practice rooms, as well as three art rooms, a graphics studio, and a Design Technology wing with facilities for food technology and resistant materials.
- Five large ‘innovation rooms’ that are not routinely timetabled to allow the school, in conjunction with partners and the University of Birmingham’s School of Education, to undertake research into new teaching and learning strategies and resources.
- Space provided for individual and larger group meetings with parents and the community.
- Interview rooms on each floor for pupil feedback or support for trainee teachers.
- Dedicated facilities for Sixth Formers, including an independent learning space, an ICT suite and a careers office.