Geography gives pupils an understanding of the world around them, its environments, places near and far, and the processes that create and affect them. Former US president Barack Obama commented;
“The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exist across continents. And in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.”

Course Description.
Geography helps us to understand the planet that we live on.
We can discover how the forces of nature work (volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes) and how we as humans cope as we live alongside them. It also helps us to make sense of how people live, work, and play in different parts of the world as they exploit, manage, and move around the world (trade, development, industry, migration) in different ways and in different places. Geography helps us to see the interconnectedness of our world and how our actions can have an impact locally, nationally, and globally.
At Key Stage 3 we provide pupils with a carefully designed, knowledge-rich curriculum focusing on foundational and contemporary geographical topics. Pupils are introduced to the following key forms of geographical knowledge that are developed further at each key stage:
- Locational knowledge.
- Place knowledge and understanding.
- Knowledge of environmental, physical and human geography processes.
- Geographical skills.
Alongside studying contemporary geographical issues such as climate change, emerging economic superpowers, and the state of our oceans, pupils learn about more traditional aspects of geography such as coasts, rivers, and earthquakes in addition to developing fundamental geographical enquiry skills through fieldwork and engagement with a variety of maps, graphs, and other forms of geographical data.
We follow Edexcel Specification B at GCSE and our Key Stage 4 pupils benefit from a course that enables them to explore the world, the issues it faces, and their own place within it. Building on prior learning at Key Stage 3 in addition to learning brand new topics, pupils explore three components:
- Global Geographical Issues.
- UK Geographical Issues.
- People and Environment Issues.
In addition, pupils take part in two fieldwork enquiries to develop their investigative skills and analyse a wide range of data sources as part of the ‘Making Geographical Decisions’ unit of work. All components of the course are assessed in three examinations at the end of the course.
At Key Stage 5, students follow the Edexcel Specification in A level Geography that helps them make links between different geographical themes, ideas, and concepts through synoptic themes embedded in the compulsory content. They explore and evaluate contemporary geographical questions and issues such as the consequences of globalisation, responses to hazards, water insecurity, and climate change and are supported in their progression towards undergraduate level geography.
In addition to three examinations at the end of the course, students submit an independent investigation resulting from fieldwork data collection techniques and analysis.
By studying Geography, pupils and students become well rounded and thoughtful global citizens with an excellent understanding of the world and the way it works.
Key Information
Subject Leader
Mr G Jackson
Admissions enquiries