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Staying at home?

Many of you may be staying at home over the next few weeks, so to help you stay productive throughout the days to come, we have listed a few ideas and activities which you may find helpful.

Keep in touch

Stay connected with family and friends. You may not be able to see each other in person, but you can make phone calls, video calls, and send messages to each other.

It’s good to talk

It’s normal to feel anxious or worried about the current situation. You have a lot of people around you who you can talk to and share your thoughts with. We’re all in this together and can help each other. There are also loads of sites online with useful information you can read such as Young Minds.

Studying at home

Try not to panic about falling behind with work, we’re here to support. Engage with the work your teachers have sent to you and have shared on Class Charts. You can even use YouTube or read books on different subjects to help you learn and revise.

Stay active

It’s important to look after our physical health as well as our mental health. Your physical health can affect how you feel and your mood. Try to stay active to keep physically healthy as well as mentally. It can also help reduce levels of stress and anxiety.

Drink and eat well

Eat healthy food to give you the nutrition you need to focus. For example, bananas release energy slowly and so give you a gradual source of nutrition. Avoid high fat, sugar and caffeine food and drink. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. Healthy eating will also help boost your energy and reduce stress.

Stick to a routine

Try and stick to a normal daily routine, even if you’re not physically going to school. Wake up at the same time, get washed and dressed, have breakfast and get settled for a day of work. Have break and lunch scheduled also. This will also help you maintain your normal sleep routine. Perhaps you could create your own timetable at home?

Get your zzzzz

Have a regular sleep routine and sleep at a similar time each night. For example, you may eat your meal, read a book, or have a bath at the same time every night to help your body adjust to a routine. Have a look at our online article for more sleep hints and tips.

Enrichment at home…

Take the opportunity to explore new hobbies or interests, or develop your existing ones! It’s important to keep your mind active and it’s a great time to learn new things. It can be quite relaxing too. See it as enrichment at home – Ms Lundy would be proud!

#TeamUoBS is here for you!

Remember, your teachers at UoB School are here to help with work. Refer to the information sent home to you and on Class Charts.

Useful sites for information


BBC Bitesize

Young Minds


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