

Become a Friend of the School

We are looking for new members to join the Friends of UoB School, our Parent Teacher Association (PTA). Joining is a great way to make new friends, get to know the UoB School environment and make a real difference to our School community. There isn’t a set expectation of how much time you would need to volunteer, any amount of time that you can give really helps! Members can organise events in their local area too – you don’t have to be physically located near the School to be involved. If you are a parent or carer and would like to join in, please get in touch via email or contact us on Facebook.

“My son is in Year 8. I decided to join the Friends of UoB School as a way to become more familiar with the School environment and to meet other parents and share experiences. I think it is very important to rebuild and strengthen our communities, especially in an increasingly digital society. I also find it rewarding to contribute to the School by supporting various activities and initiatives. What I especially appreciate is that there is no pressure regarding how much I can help, allowing me to participate in ways that fit my schedule and capacity.” Veronica, Parent at UoB School.

“UoB School staff would like to say a huge thank you to the Friends of the School who have fundraised an incredible £1200 for our community garden. We look forward to working together to improve this space for pupils, students, and staff to enjoy in the future.” Miss E Mason, Director of Partnerships and Engagement.

“I have a child in Year 10 and my other child left the School to go to university in the summer. I joined the Friends because I wanted to give something back. This is a fantastic School and both of my children have had a really good time here, developing in confidence, independence, and resilience. I have come to know more parents after joining the Friends. In secondary school, it is hard to get to know fellow parents/carers as we do not drop off or pick our kids up most of the time and we also do not live near the School. You should join to get to know more fellow parents/carers and get support from them.” Hoi Fei, Parent at UoB School.

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