School will be closed to all pupils and students for the half term break: 17 – 21 February.
To return on Monday 24 February at 08.45.
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Rethinking education,
helping tomorrow’s citizens flourish

Drawing upon our partnership with the University of Birmingham and their world-leading research and best-practice resources, focusing on learning without limits, and combining our own diverse experience in education, we’re setting an example of what’s truly possible for secondary school education – one that gives character development as much attention as academic success.

By continually innovating, welcoming challenges, and staying infinitely curious, we’ll see our school and our region recognised around the world for creating better schools, better citizens, and better communities.

Together, we’ll flourish.

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Horizons Lecture Series

The Horizons Lecture Series is your opportunity to hear from academics from the University of Birmingham who are making a real difference in their fields of expertise. You’ll get to hear from a different person each week, and broaden your ideas of how the world – or even the universe – works and what could be possible.

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Inclusion / Diversity

The University of Birmingham School is an inclusive school that delivers Quality First Teaching by subject staff who have a keen awareness of a range of special educational needs, medical needs and disability. Parents/Carers are a vital part of our inclusive practice and we always seek to work as a cohesive team: young person, parents, staff.

Together, we’ll flourish.