School will be closed to all pupils and students from 12.00 on Friday 19 July for the summer break. Thank you.

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Sixth Form Applications 2024

Sixth Form Enrolment for 2024 Entry will take place in school on Thursday 22 August.

  • 8.30-10am Internal UOBS Offer Holders and Applicants
  • 11am-3pm External Offer Holders and Applicants

All external Offer Holders and Applicants should ensure that they have submitted a Pre-Enrolment Form via our Application Portal (including uploading an official copy of achieved qualification grades) prior to attending enrolment in school.

Pre-enrolment Forms will open from 11.00am on Thursday 22nd August

Sixth Form Application Portal
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Not an existing offer holder? Join our Applicant Pool

Typically, a limited number of sixth form places will become available in the weeks following enrolment.

All applicants who meet our Entry Requirements will be eligible to join our Applicant Pool, where we may be able to make further offers should places become available.

Find out more about the Applicant Pool

Internal UOBS Offer Holders & Applicants

Enrolment in school between 8.30am – 10am

Year 11 pupils should first arrive at the Community Entrance to collect their GCSE results, between 8.30am – 10am.

Following this, any pupils from UoBS who wish to continue onto our sixth form, will be directed to the atrium for Enrolment, providing that they meet the Entry Requirements needed to study A-Levels with us.

Sixth form applications will be welcomed from all internal students who meet our requirements, including those who do not already hold a Conditional Offer from us. However, we do ask that all internal applicants who intend to enrol with us to make their way to the Atrium by 10am to finalise their places.

Internal applicants who are not able to attend sixth form enrolment in person should ensure that they have contacted our Exams Officer, Mrs Gunawardena, to request an electronic copy of their GCSE results. Once this has been arranged, pupils should email to request to enrol remotely.

External Offer Holders

Pre-Enrolment from 11am
Enrolment in school between 11am – 3pm

External Offer Holders are invited to enrol with us here in person at UoBS between 11am-3pm, after receiving/collecting their final GCSE results from their current school.

However, in order to minimise the amount of time students spend waiting on site, we are asking applicants to upload an electronic copy of their GCSE results to our application portal prior to visiting us in person…

Step 1: Complete the Pre-Enrolment Form online from 11am
Update application details and upload evidence of final GCSE grades to the applicant portal.

Step 2: Enrolment with us in school 11am – 3pm
Our enrolment staff will meet with applicants to check the uploaded grades, finalise subject choices and answer any questions about studying with us.

Purposefully designed with your
future in mind.