I would like to take the opportunity to thank our children for the part they play in building and sustaining a strong reputation for our School.
Many of you will recognise that 01 March 2022 was the day for secondary school place allocation, not just across Birmingham but across England, where families for current Year 6 pupils will have been awaiting the outcome for their onward school choice come September. Indeed, many of our current families have been in that exact position!
We have received our pupil notifications for transition to Year 7 in September 2022 – and as in previous years, our School remains a very popular choice with families in our City. I am heartened and humbled by this, chiefly because it speaks to a confidence and trust held in our educational offer.
You may have noted from local press coverage that the University School is within the top 10 Schools in the City for first choice placements – and in fact, when all choice placements are considered, the University School is the most oversubscribed of all 85 secondary schools in the City.
The young citizens of any School can be powerful advocates in terms of the virtues they bring to life – where they demonstrate that they are considerate, polite, respectful, thoughtful, responsible members of their communities and School. These attributes matter, are always strongly encouraged, and are to be applauded where seen.
Thank you for your continued partnership.
Colin Townsend, Principal.