Policies and Governance
The University of Birmingham School’s statutory policies and other useful documents.
The University of Birmingham School’s statutory policies and other useful documents which have been approved by our Board of Governors can be found below. Paper copies of all policies and any other information on this website are available on request by contacting the School’s reception on 0121 796 5000.
The School’s responsibilities and its governance arrangements are set out in its Funding Agreement with the Department for Education and its Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Our annual accounts include our annual report and a summary of trustee attendance at meetings.
University of Birmingham School functions as a separate, charitable company limited by guarantee, but also as a subsidiary of the University. The charitable objects of the School are aligned with those of the University and together we pursue the advancement of education. We are establishing and managing a School with a broad and balanced curriculum; our charitable objects provide Initial Teacher Training and further advanced training for qualified teachers, including but not limited to masters level programmes. As a subsidiary of the University, University Council has an obligation to monitor the School, to ensure that it is properly and effectively run, with financial probity, in accordance with its objects. It does not have a management role.
The subsidiary company is called the University of Birmingham School and referred to as the Academy Trust in the School’s Articles. In broad terms, the University is responsible for appointing the Members of the Academy Trust who, in turn, are responsible for appointing the majority of the Governors. Full details are included within the School’s Memorandum and Articles.
The current Members of the Academy Trust are:
– Professor Adam Tickell
– Professor Jeff Bale (Chair of Governors)
– Dr Chris Banks CBE
– Dame Lin Homer
– Professor Deborah Longworth
To contact University of Birmingham Academy Trust, please write to University of Birmingham School, 12 Weoley Park Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6QU, email reception@uobschool.org.uk, or call 0121 796 5000.
The constitutional role of the School Governors is both that of Charity Trustees and also Company Directors. Broadly speaking the Governors ensure that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the School is clearly defined, that the Principal performs their responsibilities for the educational performance of the School, and that there is a sound, proper and effective use of the School’s financial and other resources. This is achieved through the termly Board of Governors meetings and five main committees:
– Resources.
– Pastoral.
– Teaching and Learning.
– Audit and Risk.
– Staffing and Personnel.
The current Governors, who are also Trustees and Directors, can be found on the ‘Our Team‘ page.
To contact the Chair of Governors please email chairofgovernors@uobschool.org.uk or write c/o University of Birmingham School, 12 Weoley Park Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6QU.
The Members and Governors, as well as senior staff, make an annual declaration of interests which includes their date and nature of appointment.
Executive Pay & Benefits Statement – Year Ending August 2024.