UoB School Sports Day
Dear Parent(s) and Carer(s),
I would like to share exciting news about our annual Sports Day, which is taking place on Friday 16 June from 09:00 to 15:15. All pupils in Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and students in Year 12 will be involved. The whole-day event will take place on the School site and at our playing fields. For logistical and safeguarding reasons we have made the decision that parent(s) and carer(s) cannot be invited to watch or engage with the activities at our playing fields on this occasion. We hope you will be understanding of this position – it will otherwise be very difficult for staff to keep a watch over, or where appropriate, challenge adults including members of the public not known to the School. However, we will pull together a comprehensive account of the day via social media (@UoBSchool) as it unfolds to keep you informed.
Your child is to attend School as normal (at 08:50) in their full PE kit and trainers (or sports kit for Year 12), ready to be active in a variety of team and individual sports. It’s important to note that there will not be any lessons taking place on this Friday. Your child’s PREP for Sports Day will be personal supplies of water, sun cream, lunch, and healthy energy snacks. If the weather is particularly sunny, a sun hat is advisable.
The design and ethos of our Sports Day is that it’s fully inclusive, fun, enjoyable, and character building for everyone. All pupils and students will be participating in a minimum of 12 events over the course of the day, ranging from team tournaments to egg and spoon races, swingball to the 100m sprint, and space hopper slaloms to the shot putt. The PE Department have carefully curated this Sports Day to ensure everyone is involved and has fun, scoring points for their Form and Year Group.
If you have any questions or queries about this event, please email me j.bennett@uobschool.org.uk
Kind regards,
Mr J. Bennett
Subject Leader for Physical Education | Associate Senior Leader for Widening Participation and Engagement | Duke of Edinburgh Manager