Pastoral Support
Pupils who are safe and happy.
The pastoral care of our pupils and students is at the heart of our School, and drives all that we do here at University of Birmingham School.
Our aim is for every pupil and student to be safe and happy which will, in turn, enable them to flourish, achieving their potential in both the classroom and outside. We will strive to meet this aim through a caring and supportive ethos, in which all pupils and students feel encouraged and part of a community. We have the highest expectations of our pupils and will support them, with the help of parents and carers, to ensure they are able to meet these expectations.
At our School, pastoral care begins with the form tutor. Our form tutors will share time with their tutor group each day, supporting them and delivering our Learning for Life (L4L) programme, which is especially designed to support the development of character virtues.
A pupil’s form tutor should be the person they are able to turn to if they need extra support, assistance or have any questions. The form tutor is also the most important person for parents and carers, and should always be the first point of contact with the School.
Our tutor system is supported by a strong and experienced pastoral team, led by our Deputy Principal, Mrs Walker. She is supported by a team of Pupil Pastoral Managers, each of whom has a particular year group or groups with which they work.
We support our pupils and students to achieve their very best in all aspects of life at University of Birmingham School, and this includes attendance and punctuality, behaviour and academic progress.
Your child’s time at University of Birmingham School will be a product of a three way partnership between them, the School and you the parents/carers, all working to serve their best interests. Thus, we hope that if you do have any worries or concerns you will contact the School as soon as possible. The best way to do this is by emailing your child’s form tutor, or emailing indicating your child’s form and form tutor in the subject.