02 July 2020: Message from the Principal
Dear Parents/Carers,
You will note news and information today from the Secretary of State for Education around the start of the September term, and the planned return to school for all children full-time.
We have since 15 June welcomed some year 10 pupils and year 12 students to School for limited face-to-face teaching and learning, in line with national guidelines. They have joined a group of children from key worker families and those in vulnerable circumstances, who have been onsite since 23 March. To achieve this, we have implemented a range of measures to create a Covid-Secure environment, in line with Health and Safety Executive requirements and guidance. I especially thank all of those children for their collaborative and responsible approach.
We recognise fully that remote learning and support continues for almost all of our children at this time – and will remain so until the end of term, Friday 17 July.
Turning our thoughts to receiving our children and staff back onsite at scale from September, will now require further planning and adaptations ahead. Initial work is already underway here. I shall be in touch at the earliest opportunity next week to outline our proposals and any associated changes – and to seek your views. As we have throughout the Covid-19 period, we endeavour to put in place provision which is meaningful, manageable, and foremost safe.
Yours sincerely,
Colin Townsend
17 July 2020: Message from the Principal
Dear Parents/Carers,
Following very different ways of working and learning since March, you will be aware that from September all schools and educational settings are being asked to prepare for the return to onsite education for all pupils and students. We have been carefully considering our plans and arrangements to do this, and I outline some of the core details in this communication. As we proceed across the summer holiday period, there will be several further sets of information to provide additional operational details. This will include, once we have collected queries and views, any FAQ (frequently asked questions) document(s) to further support induction.
Our response for September is different to that put in place to this point. Naturally, the safety and welfare of pupils, students, and staff remains central, and to achieve this we have assessed risk and put in place a system of controls. This is alongside providing a curriculum which is as broad and ambitious as possible. In returning to school, we recognise that opportunities for social engagement and the rebuilding of friendships face-to-face are important.
In relation to our curriculum there will necessarily be some compromise in our offer. I would stress my and our hopes that the amendments I outline in this letter are temporary and relatively short term, but at this stage we anticipate that amendments will be in place at least from September to December. As we journey across the autumn term, we shall keep all plans under review – including remaining agile to any national developments.
Induction and the start of the School term in September
We plan to amend the use of the first four days at the start of the term, in order to support the induction of new routines for staff, returning pupils and students, and pupils and students joining our School. Please therefore note the dates and arrangements below:
- Tuesday 1 September 2020 – staff development only (no pupils and students).
- Wednesday 2 September 2020 – staff development only (no pupils and students).
- Thursday 3 September 2020 – new Year 7 pupils and new year 12 students only (09.10 arrival for year 7 pupils and 09.40 arrival for year 12 students).
- Friday 4 September 2020 – Year 8, 9, 10, 11 pupils and Year 13 students only (09.10 arrival for years 8/9 pupils and 09.40 arrival for years 10/11/13).
- Monday 7 September 2020 – onsite schooling for all year groups.
Documents for information