12 May 2021: Message from the Principal
Dear Parents/Carers,
Linked to the national roadmap which outlines certain responses to different stages of the coronavirus pandemic, there has this week been an announcement about the use of face coverings in schools moving forward.
Considering our own School risk assessment and our current educational activities and priorities, including assessments for our year 11 and year 13 cohorts, we shall be asking that pupils, students, and staff continue the use of face coverings in classrooms and communal spaces up to and including Thursday 20 May next week – a few days beyond the 17 May milestone outlined nationally.
Please be reminded that Friday 21 May is one of our staff Professional Development Days, a non-attendance day for pupils and students.
In line with Department for Education and Public Health England guidance, and from Monday 24 May face coverings will no longer be recommended for pupils and students in classrooms or communal areas. Face coverings will also no longer be recommended for staff in classrooms. We do however recognise that for some individuals, the wearing of a face covering has become habitual and might bring a degree of personal confidence and reassurance ongoing – and where chosen we shall allow that plain face coverings are permitted optionally for the time being.
The current guidance also recognises looking ahead that face coverings in schools may be reintroduced for temporary periods – in response to localised outbreaks, including virus variants of concern. I would therefore ask that you ensure ongoing that your child has a covering with them in School still, in case we find ourselves in that context.
It is important to stress, and I request your help with reinforcing this with your child, that whilst we are soon able to relax the use of face coverings within the School’s system of controls, other preventative measures such as hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene (coughing/sneezing into a tissue), keeping social distance where possible, and not attending School if symptoms develop, remain in place. We shall also continue to ensure good ventilation in learning and work spaces.
Thank you for your support and partnership ongoing, as we continue to balance safety, provision, and education in the best way possible.
Whilst writing, and for our year 11 parents/carers attention only, please be aware that on Friday this week there is a science assessment scheduled which will end unusually at 16.15 (or 16.45 for pupils eligible for additional assessment time) – so your child may arrive home a little later than normal on that day.
Eid Mubarak to our families and friends who are celebrating this week.
Kind regards,
Colin Townsend