28 June 2023: Arrangements for Challenge Week
Further to communication sent by the Principal on 21 June:
Dear Parents/Carers,
Next week is Challenge Week. For those of you who were here this time last year, you will know that it is one of the highlights of the School year. Within this email are details of everything both you and your child(ren) need to know. Please read the attachment here: UoBS Challenge Week Information Pack carefully as it also contains details of the day(s) that they will not be in School due to the Teachers’ strikes. As on previous days of industrial action, children recognised as vulnerable, or children of critical workers are able to attend School. If your wish for your child(ren) to be considered for onsite attendance please email Anna Cosimetti (a.cosimetti@uobschool.org.uk) as soon as possible. Pupils eligible for free school meals will receive a voucher for the day(s) that they are out of School.
Challenge Week is a week of activities and opportunities designed to help your child develop their character outside the classroom by practising the virtues they learn inside School. A few key points to highlight in addition to the information you will read within the attachment:
- Trips will leave promptly each morning so please make sure they are on time. If their transport has left for a trip then they will remain in School all day.
- Be mindful of the weather and always bring water, sun-cream, caps and appropriate clothing. UoBS PE Kit should be worn daily. Please read clothing requirements for Pier 52, Woodlands and the seaside as these are very specific.
- Two forms have previously been sent to you if your child is visiting Pier 52 or Woodlands. Please return the waiver for Woodlands otherwise you child can’t take part. Please read the waiver for Pier 52 and let us know if you do NOT agree to us signing on your behalf.
- If there is a recent change to medication, any new allergies, inhalers or epipens please let N.Lawson@uobschool.org.uk know before 15.00 this Friday.
- We want all pupils to take part so if anxiety or worry is stopping that, please contact PPMs for reassurance and extra support.
We hope that everyone has a wonderful time.
Kind regards
Bec Tigue
Director of University Training School & Character Education
21 June 2023: Arrangements for proposed industrial action – 05 July & 07 July.
Dear Parents and Carers,
With one month of this term remaining, I write to provide some information and reminders about dates ahead.
The National Education Union (NEU) has announced two days of industrial action linked to the continuing pay dispute with the Department for Education – scheduled for Wednesday 05 and Friday 07 July. These two days fall in our Challenge Week and School leaders are presently working through revisions to our plans so that where possible a number of activities for those days can proceed – including our Duke of Edinburgh experiences for year 9 (and some year 10) pupils and work experience for year 10 pupils. I will update you soonest with details – but in the meantime please be alert to the possibility of childcare arrangements for those days if that is a consideration for you and your family.
Alongside this, Wednesday 05 July was scheduled also for the transition day for any pupil joining our School into year 7 from primary school come September. The Local Authority have asked all schools in the city to rearrange that day instead to Wednesday 12 July – which the School will be doing, should this affect you.
Other dates to offer a reminder about are:
· It is anticipated that Eid will fall on (or around) Wednesday 28 June for those celebrating.
If you are intending for your child to be absent from School due to religious observance on Wednesday 28 June, please email the attendance inbox to confirm your child’s absence, using the following email address attendance@uobschool.org.uk. Please include in your email your child’s name, their form group, the date of the proposed absence, and the reason for absence. Your child’s absence will be marked as authorised for one school day if requested for religious observance, however in line with Department for Education guidance authorisation for additional days will not be granted.
· Friday 30 June, School is closed to pupils and students for our planned Staff Research Day.
· The NEU-action dates mentioned above are Wednesday 05 July and Friday 07 July, where we will send more details soon.
· Monday 10 July, School is closed to pupils and students for our planned Staff Professional Development Day.
· The end of summer term falls on Friday 21 July, with dismissal for pupils and students from 12:15.
Dates for the School year 2023/24 can be found on our website, here.
Thank you as ever for your support and partnership with the School.
Kind regards,
Colin Townsend
26 April 2023: Arrangements for proposed industrial action – 27 April & 02 May
Dear Parents and Carers,
I write further to my brief communication last week.
The strike action proposed by Members of the National Education Union for Thursday 27 April and Tuesday 02 May is due to proceed. If there should be any change to this I shall write across coming days with an update. I therefore ask our parents and carers to note the School’s position below and to make arrangements accordingly.
Please be aware that:
- Children should remain at home unless otherwise outlined below.
- All pupils in year 11 and all students in year 13 should attend School where we shall put in place the greatest level of face to face teaching possible.
- On Thursday 27 April students in year 12 have been invited to attend School optionally from 12.00 (noon – promptly) until approximately 14.00 to take part in a special guest visit and presentation from senior members of the Bank of England. This may be of particular interest to students of politics, business studies, geography, and history – but for general knowledge and interest more widely.
- On Tuesday 02 May students in year 12 with a scheduled PPE (internal examination) are to attend School for those. Other students can undertake private study at home. From Wednesday 03 May students will know from the sixth form team whether they are required for either examinations or supervised private study in School.
- As on previous days of industrial action, children recognised as vulnerable, or children of critical workers are able to attend School. If you have previously taken up this offer then we anticipate your child will once again attend on site. If any additional parents or carers are of the view that they are now in the categories outlined and wish to be considered for onsite attendance please email Anna Cosimetti (a.cosimetti@uobschool.org.uk ) as soon as possible.
- Children attending School for full days should arrive at 08.50 with the day running through until 15.15. Where purposeful lessons can be staffed for year 11 or year 13 learners the day will run through until our normal 16.15. Lunchtime food will be available and pupils should wear PE uniform (with a blazer) or sixth form dress code clothing.
- As before we shall set five episodes of online learning for other pupils in years 7 to 10, which can be accessed from your child’s ClassCharts login. Pupils are encouraged to engage with that work across Thursday 27 April and Tuesday 02 May. The Department for Education has stated that it is not compulsory for Schools to set online work. Students in year 12 who are not in School for other reasons outlined above, may receive work via ClassCharts, or should use time for private revision or assignments.
- I am satisfied that we will have safe levels of staffing for supervision, safeguarding, and first aid, for the levels of attendance mapped out.
- If your child is eligible for free-School meals and will not be onsite on either or both of these days of industrial action, we are arranging for a food voucher to be sent to a parent or carer email address.
- School will be open as normal for all pupils and students on Friday 28 April.
- Our front of house services remain operational throughout so please feel able to contact the School where needed or if helpful – by telephone or email in the normal manner.
- Monday 01 May is May Bank Holiday and School will be closed for all pupils, students, and staff.
Thank you for engaging with the various details here – and as ever I appreciate your partnership with the School.
Kind regards,
Colin Townsend
21 April 2023: Arrangements for proposed industrial action – 27 April & 02 May
Dear Parents and Carers,
You may be aware from media channels that the current national dispute between the National Education Union and the Government is yet to be resolved. Accordingly two further days of industrial action are planned across the coming two weeks.
The National Education Union have put to their Members that it may be possible to agree arrangements for the teaching of exam groups (those in years 11 and 13) to be put in place on the two days in question. At this time we are forming those agreements.
Until further notice please therefore assume that on both 27 April and 02 May we shall ask all members of year 11 and year 13 to attend School, whilst all other year groups will be asked to remain at home. Our children recognised as vulnerable or of critical workers may also attend School, as on previous strike action days.
I shall update you with any developments or additional detail as we head into the start of next week.
Kind regards,
Colin Townsend
17 March: Updates regarding Monday 20 March proposed National Express WM industrial action
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your partnership and flexibility over recent days and weeks linked to necessary and varying plans for on and off site education.
You will be aware from media channels that on a national level talks between teachers’ unions and the Government have begun today alongside confirmations that no further strike dates in England will be announced for two weeks. Whilst recognising of course that matters are not at this stage resolved, I am encouraged by and optimistic about this development.
Separately and locally, we remain alert to the industrial action proposed for Monday onwards by members of National Express West Midlands, and any associated travel impact on our pupils, students, and staff. Information available states that at this time the bus strikes planned have been suspended until Monday 20 March while a vote on an improved offer takes place – with buses running as normal until then. Advice further outlines that if the strike goes ahead the company will be running a limited network from 20 March.
The link here provides further information, including the services and routes that will and will not be affected: National Express West Midlands – Strike Information
In the eventuality of travel industrial action ahead I would ask that you do all that you can to arrange for your child to travel safely to School.
Kind regards,
Colin Townsend
15 March 2023: Arrangements for proposed industrial action – 16 March
Dear Parents and Carers,
A brief message here with an update about arrangements for tomorrow (Thursday) – linked to current industrial action.
The industrial action planned tomorrow by Members of the NEU (National Education Union) is scheduled to proceed, but more locally you may have read that the industrial action affecting city bus services planned for tomorrow has been postponed until next Monday.
Therefore, whilst in terms of staff capacity and circumstances I still require almost all pupils to remain at home for study and revision tomorrow (Thursday) there is greater confidence in being able to plan a purposeful on site day for a number of pupils in year 11 and students in year 13. For those individual learners we will shortly be sending a separate email to you asking for your child to attend School for face to face teaching.
Our children recognised as vulnerable or of critical workers are able to attend School also tomorrow, in the way now established.
School is operational on site for all children on Friday 17 March in the normal fashion – and any developments affecting next week will be notified over coming days.
Kind regards,
Colin Townsend
13 March 2023: Arrangements for proposed industrial action – 15 & 16 March
Dear Parents and Carers,
I wrote to all families last Friday outlining plans for this current week – including the days of industrial action proposed for Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 March.
Last Friday I outlined our ambition to invite all year 11 pupils and all year 13 students on site on Wednesday 15 March. Unfortunately, and having taken further stock today of our anticipated staffing capacity for the industrial action days ahead, I am no longer as confident about being able to offer a purposeful day on site for all learners in those year groups.
I therefore now ask that pupils in year 11 and students in year 13 remain at home to engage with work online and revision, unless you receive an email by the end of today (18.00 latest Monday 13 March) asking for your child to attend School.
Our children recognised as vulnerable or of critical workers (including in year 11 and year 13) remain eligible to attend School on both Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 March, regardless.
Additionally, if the change outlined above leaves you in a difficult position, with limited notice about childcare or supervision and by the end of today your child has not been asked to attend School on Wednesday, please contact Anna Cosimetti (a.cosimetti@uobschool.org.uk) and we shall offer supervision in School.
All other aspects of the arrangements circulated last Friday remain unchanged.
I apologise for the variation to our offer previously outlined.
Kind regards,
Colin Townsend
10 March 2023: Arrangements for week commencing 13 March – including days of proposed industrial action
Dear Parents and Carers,
Whilst School attendance has been impacted yesterday and today as a result of adverse weather, the forecast points to milder days ahead. At this stage I anticipate that it will be possible to operate a normal School day on Monday 13 March next week. Please assume that School is open on Monday unless you receive a message informing you differently. Thank you once again for your understanding and responsiveness over the last couple of challenging days.
I have previously advised you that on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 March next week there is provisional (national level) industrial action proposed by Members of the National Education Union (NEU). Unless we learn over coming days to the contrary, we must assume this action will carry through and plan accordingly. Separate to this, transport workers in the West Midlands are planning industrial action also on Thursday 16 (not Wednesday 15) – which will of course impact considerably on many of our children and their travel to and from School.
Please therefore note the below:
Wednesday 15 March
- We would like all pupils in year 11 and all students in year 13 to attend School – for a mix of taught lessons and supervised study.
- We also invite attendance from children recognised as vulnerable, or of critical workers. If your child has previously attended School on days of industrial action within these categories they are welcome to do so on Wednesday 15. If any additional parents or carers are of the view that they are now in the categories outlined and wish to be considered for onsite attendance please email Anna Cosimetti (a.cosimetti@uobschool.org.uk ) by 4pm on Monday 13 March.
- All other pupils and students should remain at home on Wednesday 15 March and engage with learning which will be set online via ClassCharts.
Thursday 16 March
- With the challenges that will arise from travel difficulties on Thursday 16 March alongside NEU industrial action, all pupils and students will remain at home on Thursday 16 March and engage with online learning.
- The exception to this is children recognised as vulnerable, or of critical workers, who are welcome to attend on site.
On both Wednesday 15 & Thursday 16 March
- For pupils and students on site, arrival is at 08.50 with the day running through until 15.15. Lunchtime food will be available and pupils should wear PE uniform in case it is possible to integrate some physical activity as a part of the day. Sixth form students should wear business clothing in line with our routine dress code.
- I am satisfied that we will have safe levels of staffing for supervision, safeguarding, and first aid, for the levels of attendance mapped out.
- If your child is eligible for free-School meals and will not be on site on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 March, we will arrange for a food voucher to be sent to a parent or carer email address.
- Our front of house services remain operational throughout so please feel able to contact the School where needed or if helpful – by telephone or email in the normal manner.
Thank you for your attention to these details.