School will be closed to all pupils and students for the half term break: 17 – 21 February.
To return on Monday 24 February at 08.45.
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Professional Development

We welcome colleagues from a wide range of schools to join our staff learning and development programme.

The School is frequently a venue for the sharing of practice between professionals from different educational settings and between teachers and University academics, both from the School of Education at the University of Birmingham, and across the University campus.

We aim to make a significant contribution to high quality teacher development in the region, in partnership with a range of primary and secondary schools, teaching school alliances and multi-academy trusts. Our unique links allow us to work across the school and HEI sectors, linking professionals from different phases in the interests of energising and exciting teachers and inspiring learners.

We are committed to working with both primary and secondary newly qualified teachers (NQTs) across the West Midlands and beyond, connecting them to research and scholarship and building extensive subject and phase networks which support early career teachers and sustain them in their careers in the long term.

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